Behold…the Power of Video

A picture is worth a thousand words…but video is worth millions! Chances are, if you are looking at this page, you are probably considering the possibility of leveraging the power of video. But on the off chance you are on the fence, here are a few statistics to help you understand exactly how powerful video marketing has become in recent years, according to news shared by HubSpot: Video is projected to claim more than 80% of all

So you want to make a Facebook video…

You’ve done your homework, and have come to the realization that this video thing might be worth giving a whirl on your company or organization’s Facebook page. Congratulations! You’ve made a wise choice. Recent changes to the Facebook algorithms are going to make it harder for advertisers to get into their customer news feeds organically. Which really leaves you with two choices…pay more for your reach…or create more engaging content. Considering that Facebook videos get

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